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Sunday, 11 May 2008

What Marlon Sanders has been up to

How To Profit With Facebook Marketing, Skype Out, Twitter, Submit Your Article And Blogging By Marlon Sanders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hello, In this article, I'm going to share my own personal experiences overthe past few weeks using a variety of ways to get traffic to your web site. Keep in mind this traffic is from NEW stuff I'm mucking around with.

We get thousands of visits a week from existing marketing. I'mtalking about new stuff I'm doing. I wanted to give you a peak inside, so you can see my result as Iramp up some new methods. Now, this past week someone read one of my articles, called intothe office and asked, "Why do I need to promote or get traffic if I don't have a product yet?"

My answer to that is you can start building your list now, so whenyou do have a product to sell, you have a list to sell it to. Inaddition, in the meantime, you can sell affiliate products. I might add that if you use my methods, you can create your owninfo product in six weeks -- or less.

Let's move on to discussing my results.

1. How To Profit With Facebook Marketing

I've been pleasantly surprised at the visitors I've received from Facebook just from people seeing the URL of my blog on my profile page. I'm getting visitors every day. If you have no visitors, start a blog, get on Facebook and network.

You can have your own blog in 5 minutes by going to and creating a hosted blog. My friend Tinu, the "Queen of Free Traffic" has a really good Facebook system and I plan on using it more. You'll likely also see me promote her product. Reading it is what convinced me to muck around on Facebook more.I learned new things. But even if I didn't, it would have beenworth it just because it gave me the kick in the tail end I needed to get it going!

2. How To Profit With Twitter Marketing

If you're out of the loop on this, Twitter is at It's free. It's a way to send out very short notes on what you're up to. I've seen people with up to 5500 subscribers to their Twitter. Mine is rather anemic. I'm not seeing a payoff yet. But I plan to experiment more.

3. How To Profit With Blogging

Here's the thing I've found on blogging -- It's not as easy to get your blog set up to get traffic as you'd think. I'm just now getting mine in any kind of shape at all, and I still have work to do. In the past 7 days, I've received 254 visits and 54 clicks.

Whilesome of those came from my ezine last week, most are the result of my blogging. I have 163 total subscribers to my blog feed, where people read it in Bloglines, Google Reader or another RSS reader. That's not many subscribers. But I haven't been doing this long. That number is down from 171 a few days before.

If you blog, I'm told you need to make one or more posts daily to really get some action on Google. That takes maybe 30 minutes a day. I think the payoff is there long term. But there IS a learning curve. And it does take that consistent effort.

4. How to Profit With Podcasts

It took a bit to get Podpress plugin installed and working on thelatest version of Worpress. We're now designing a special page to put my podcasts on. I bought this new Macbook and will use Garage Band to make podcasts. If you have a PC, Audacity is free and actually has some featuresGarage Band doesn't.

Garage Band has the edge in terms of easy-of-use. I'll say this: If you aren't good at using computers, go the Macroute. Podcasting as a Meme or concept that spreads virally is on the wayout. But if you look at usage by the media, it's up 40%. I'm going to try a little podcasting and see what happens.

The cool thing is, it's free to get your podcast listed in iTunes.I actually wrote an article about how to do that on my blog. And iTunes gets a LOT of traffic! Plus, there are many podcastdirectories you can get listed in. And those listings can get ranked in Google,MSN and Yahoo. So why not do it?

5. How To Profit With Skype Out

I just bought the coolest tool. It's a little phone that plugsinto the USB of your computer and lets you make Skype calls that are amazingly clear! The thing actually works. Here's the profit angle: It has a record button. With oneclick you can record conversations!

You can do testimonial interviews, product interviews and even do group calls,depending on which phone you get. I plan to do a little write up on my blog about this andpost a picture. The thing is, it took a bit to figure outhow to make the sound broadcast through the phone.

This is really awesome. Now, anywhere I'm on wifi, I canplug this phone in and make phone calls. I'm thinking ofsending one to a friend in the Philippines who has Internet access but has to pay a lot to make long distancephone calls!

6. How To Profit With Submit Your Article There's an online service you can use to submit yourarticles called: Another one I planon using is called Article Marketer. Anyway, I just used this yesterday to submit an article.

I haven't done this in a long time because I always left thedoor open for my affiliates to promote us. Since a lot of affiliates are now just promoting theproduct launch of the week, we are going back in marketingmode. When I say "we," I mean my team. The awesome thing is you get stats on your submissions.That's sure an improvement from the old days.

So far, since yesterday, I've had 24 article views, 12people have published it and 1 subscribed to my contentfeed. I can't say those are world-beater numbers yet. But it's agood start. And it's only been a day. I plan to take each article and put it on my blog, send itout through a submission service and turn it into a videoand podcast using Matt Bacak's brilliant A9 formula.Thanks Matt for figuring that out!

One reason I hesitate to publish things like this is Internet marketing is a very ego driven field. Keep inmind the results above are from only a few days or weeks effort. There's always that person who comes along and says,"Well, my articles get 10 million views." Or whatever. Oneoneupmanship.

Yeah, and they likely use methods you may not feel comfortable using or they're on a very wide-interesttopic vs. a specific niche. I wanted to post result that anyone can achieve with amodicum of effort. That means you. You can do what I've done and likely get similar results.

Marlon Sanders

For more free tips, articles and resources on how to promote withblogs, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, and all kinds of other stuff, visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------"Marlon's Marketing Minute is copyright 2008, Higher ResponseMarketing Inc. All rights reserved.

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